
How to Install Google Tag Manager on WordPress

How to Install Google Tag Manager on WordPress

October 4, 2018

Installing Google Tag Manager can be time-consuming when dealing with raw code; however, when installing Google Tag Manager on WordPress, it can be as easy as adding a plugin, copying a line of code, and clicking save!  A few simple steps.  In this article, we outline how you can easily update your WordPress instance in […]

Coffee Review – Stumptown’s Hair Bender

Coffee Review – Stumptown’s Hair Bender

September 29, 2018

In honor of National Coffee day, we’re releasing a review of a classic, crowd favorite – the Hair Bender roast from Portland-based Stumptown Coffee. Slated as a Stumptown staple and their neighborhood ‘welcome wagon’ coffee when they were just settling in to their first shop, this coffee has a history and swagger.  The Stumptown Hair […]

Google Analytics – How to use annotations

Google Analytics – How to use annotations

September 26, 2018

Using Google Analytics annotations to understand changes in data Ever been asked to deliver a report from Google Analytics and suddenly realize there’s been a major shift in data since the previous period, but you aren’t sure why?   Your heart starts racing, you feel a bit worried, but a bit like ‘nah, I got […]


Paceline Marketing is a marketing analytics and operations firm in San Francisco, CA.  We approach data differently – with a 360 degree view that gives you insanely accurate results. 

We focus on everything from website analytics and performance to SEO to uniting marketing ecosystems. 

Not sure which marketing channels are getting the best return on your investment?  That’s where we come in. Let a team of certified, technical marketers with over a decade of operational experience make you the smartest person in the room.

Get Accurate Data!


“Paceline adds a level of data transparency to our marketing team that we’ve never had before. They look at all initiatives and provide immediate improvement recommendations and call out areas of wasted spend. Their expertise in Google Analytics makes it really easy to validate what is and isn’t working.”

– Dan Mascola, VP of Product

Off the Grid

“I was working with a partner in dire need of a Google Analytics audit and clean up. This was a multi-domain, multi-property project, and a seven-figure ad budget was dependent upon airtight data integrity. The Paceline team was efficient, thorough, and did a great job of educating the team to ensure they would be prepared to manage data hygiene after things were completed.”

– Rivers Pearce, Partner

Unsubscribe Agency

“Working with Paceline convinced me of two things: I’m a genius and marketing is a piece-of-cake.  Well, that’s how easy they made it feel, anyway. Hannah and her team are invaluable marketing partners. They dropped in and amplified our creative spirits while setting up our marketing infrastructure in a matter of weeks!”

– Erin Wilson, Founder & CEO